About Beverly Burch
My new book, Leave Me a Little Want, is from Terrapin Books. The last book, Latter Days of Eve (BkMk Press), won the John Ciardi Prize. How a Mirage Works (Sixteen Rivers) was a finalist for the Audre Lorde Award. First book, Sweet to Burn (2004), won the Gival Poetry Prize and Lambda Literary Award.
Poems and prose can be found in 32 Poems, Gulf Coast, Southern Review, Denver Quarterly, Los Angeles Review, New England Review, Barrow Street, Smartish Pace, and Grist. I also have two psychoanalytic books on women’s sexual and gender relations: On Intimate Terms (University of Illinois) and Other Women (Columbia University).
I grew up in Atlanta, GA and have lived many years in Oakland, CA with my wife. I have closed my psychotherapy practice for more time to write. I am finishing a novel, What You Don’t Know, and working on a collection of cultural and personal essays, Burning the Family Bible.
Writing process: good question. It starts with a line, a memory, a scent, a tree, a political event, anything that gets going.